I think that it is important that you separate working hours and your free time. I had vacant period for six months after I have been teaching for 26 years.This time I was not studying further. I just had vacation and I spend some time in Spain and then at the summerhouse and there I was sawing the firewood. I was also writing a novel (about a woman who is living in a cottage in the woods by the sea). I was not writing about me - it is a fictional story.
In Finland workers can have job alternative leave so that someone unemployed person is working instead of the incumbent or earner. Then you can have paid from the unemployment funds.
I have got exhausted in my work (as a teacher) sometimes - one time it was really hard and I was at home for four weeks about 13 years ago. Now I work 83% of my working time and I have time to plan my lessons better. I happen to have now lovely pupils.
The teaching is funny - you can plan and work for the lessons endlessly if you are not careful. When I teach so many different subjects I can always find interesting new scheme and then I try to learn new things so that I can tell my pupils about the world or we make together some interesting new projects. Occasionally you just hog excessively and you are under a burden.
It is important to have some other hobbies - exercises and mental hobbies. I have a treasure chest - it is my briefcase with pearls and tools which I use when making pearl necklaces. In Finland we can have supervision of work and there we can talk about difficult things in work, it is paid by the employer. It has helped me, because there the talking is confidential.
It is good to have friends and family near you and spend some time with them and have fun in you spare time!
(Kirjoitin jutun englannin kieliseen blogiini, mutta postaus ei onnistunut, siispä tänne!)
Olen aina tykännyt ottaa kantaa. Opettajana on saanut asetella sanat varovaisesti. En edelleenkään halua riidellä netissä. Maailman ja luonnon tulevaisuus kiinnostaa. Suomen menneisyys ja muinaisuus kiehtoo. Kuvataide kutsuu luokseen. Opettelen fiktiivistä ilmaisua ja luen. Toivon oppivani valokuvausta.
Tietoja minusta
- Helena Hovila
- Opettajana olen toiminut 1980-luvulta alkaen. Syksyllä 2018 voin keskittyä lukemiseen ja harrastaa muinaismuistojen katselua. Myös tekstin tuottaminen kiinnostaa. Kirjoitin v. 2004 väitöskirjan Opettajan ja oppilaan kohtaaminen. Novelleja julkaistu kokelmissa. http://helenaho.wordpress.com/ in English